Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Soal Ujian Matematika UN SMP 2011

Please you to download the files on this page with the best!
PURPOSE implementation of UN

is to assess the achievement of national competency in certain subjects in the group of subjects in science and technology.


1. Mapping the quality of programs and / or the education unit;
2. The basis of selection into the next educational level;
3. Determination of graduation of students from the education unit;
4. Basic coaching and providing assistance to the education unit in an effort to improve the quality of education.

National Final Exam or so-called UAN or unas is a form of exam questions that will determine the graduation of students from the education unit, to be able to continue to pursue higher education or not, with reference to kompensi graduates nationally in certain subjects in subjects keompok science and technology in an effort to improve the quality of education.

Your business depends on hard work in learning. One last thing most important is the strategy UAN. Master the strategy mu UAN now so that you may succeed and not fail in vain.

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